Medical studies show that of the 300,000 women who received transvaginal mesh (TVM) implants in 2010, roughly ten percent experienced a severe complication within the first year of their TVM surgery. This medical device failure rate isn’t just incredibly high; it’s unexpectedly high. Most women decided to engage in a TVM procedure without understanding the risk that they were imposing on themselves.
The law permits risky decisions. However, the law abhors decisions made in a knowledge vacuum. Tragically, many TVM patients were sold on the idea of a dangerous procedure without being told the full risks and dangers of the device. As a result, patients took risks they didn’t realize they were taking – and now they’re paying a price they didn’t expect to pay. This isn’t fair, and it’s in violation of basic tort law.
Want to find out more about your rights and whether you are one of the tens of thousands of women entitled to a judgment against their TVM maker? The attorneys at the Dallas firm of Fears Nachawati know how to give you the advice you need. Talk to our professionals today. For a free consultation, call us at 1.866.545.8364 or email We’re ready to help you.