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Hair Relaxer

A recent study by the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences found that women who used chemical hair straightener, relaxer or perm products more than four times per year have a significantly higher risk of developing uterine cancer than those who did not.

These products have been marketed to Black women for decades, and use of these products is more prevalent among Black women that among other groups. Uterine cancer death rates, and the incidence of the more aggressive forms of uterine cancer, are also higher among non-Hispanic Black women.

The companies that manufacture and market these products, including L’Oréal, ORS, Revlon and others, knew of the risks associated with the use of their products and failed to warn consumers that their products could cause cancer. They continue to market the products today.


If you or a loved one used a chemical hair relaxer or straightener, and has been diagnosed with uterine, ovarian or endometrial cancer, our team of experienced attorneys will fight for you to get you compensation for the harm you have suffered.


Contact Us Today and Let’s Schedule Your Free Consultation

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    Hair Relaxer
    Hair Relaxer
    Hair Relaxer

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