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Birth Defect Risks Double with Prozac

Prozac (fluoxetine) is a dangerous drug with potentially lethal consequences for the children of pregnant women. According to one study, the risk of birth defects is increased by more than half and the risk of physical malformation – such as club foot – is elevated by 40 percent if babies are exposed in the first trimester. Heart birth defects are also a particular area of concern for babies born to women who take Prozac during pregnancy.


Was your child born with a serious birth defect? Were you a Prozac patient while you were pregnant? Fluoxetine treatments and your child’s suffering may be more closely related than you might have thought. To find out if you and your child’s rights were violated, contact the dangerous drug experts at Fears Nachawati. With years of experience, we know how to help you. For a free consultation, call us at 1.866.545.8364 or email We’re ready to fight for you!

Drug Litigation

Birth Defect Risks Double with Prozac