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Can Bankruptcy Halt Your Foreclosure?

The short answer to this important question is usually, “Yes, but not always.”


Many Americans qualify to file bankruptcy under Chapter 13 of the Bankruptcy Code. For these debtors, Chapter 13 provides them with the opportunity to make up past mortgage payments on a court-supervised repayment plan that more closely matches your financial means with your financial obligations.


For those debtors who earn too much income for Chapter 13, Chapter 7 bankruptcy can sometimes provide a way to keep your house. First, the provision of the Bankruptcy Code known as the automatic stay will stall the foreclosure proceedings. Second, if a debtor only has unsecured debt or if he or she can find a way during the bankruptcy proceeding to catch up on the secured lender’s claims, then the house may stay in his or her possession.


Unfortunately, for debtors who make too much money for Chapter 13 and who have outstanding secured debt against their home, Chapter 7 may only delay, but not ultimately prevent a creditor’s successful foreclosure proceeding. Where this is the case, you should take care to ask if bankruptcy really is right for you and you may also want to explore whether a private workout may better accomplish your financial objectives.


Want to know more about the differences between Chapter 7, Chapter 13, and a private workout, as well as which one may be right for you? The dedicated and experienced attorneys at Fears Nachawati know how to answer these important questions and many more. To get started, talk to our team today. Your consultation is free. 


Can Bankruptcy Halt Your Foreclosure?