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Can I Get A Student Loan After Filing For Bankruptcy? Yes!

You will be able to get a student loan after you file for bankruptcy, but you will have to wait until your bankruptcy is discharged. Depending on whether you file for Chapter 7 or Chapter 13 bankruptcy, it can be 6 months-5 years. For obvious reasons, a bankruptcy trustee will probably not allow you to take on new debt while your bankruptcy is pending.
The length of time you must wait also depends on the type of student loan you plan to apply for. In the case of government funded student loans, your credit history (including bankruptcy) is irrelevant. It may be more challenging you have to get private students loans, but not impossible by any means.


The ability to get student loans in the future should never be an impediment to your decision to file for bankruptcy. While an education is always best in the long run, you should carefully consider your current financial situation and what is in your best interest. When you file for bankruptcy you are erasing debts and able to start off fresh.


Contact bankruptcy law firm, Fears | Nachawati, toll free at 1.866.705.7584 or via e-mail at to discuss your options for filing bankruptcy.



Can I Get A Student Loan After Filing For Bankruptcy? Yes!