Whether or not you can keep your credit cards after you file for bankruptcy is up to the credit card company to decide.
When you file for bankruptcy, you must list any existing credit card balances. Those balances, because they are unsecured debts, will be wiped out by bankruptcy. The credit card company will then cancel your credit card.
However, you can choose to reaffirm your debt, which means you agree to pay the debt even though you could have it canceled by bankruptcy. Also, you may be able to keep a credit card that has a zero balance. Again, though, this decision is up to the credit card company.
Note that even if the credit card company allows you to keep your credit card, they do have the option of adjusting your credit limit, interest rates or both in relation to the increased risk.
For free legal advice on bankruptcy, contact the Texas bankruptcy lawyers of Fears | Nachawati today. Simply email us or call us toll free at 1.866.705.7584.