Individuals facing a financial crisis are concerned that by filing Chapter 13 they will lose their home to repay debts. In a Chapter 13 bankruptcy, you don’t have to give up any property, but you are required to use your income to pay some or all of your debt over time. Depending on the size of your debts and income it can take from three to five years.
The most important part of your Chapter 13 paperwork will be the repayment plan as this will list the secured and unsecured debt you have. Your repayment plan needs to be carefully drawn up to show how much you will pay towards your secured and unsecured debts. The plan must show any disposable income you have left after making required payments on secured debt. You also need to demonstrate how much will go towards repaying your unsecured debts, such as credit card or medical bills. Many times you will not have to pay your unsecured debt or will only have to pay pennies on the dollar.
Contact us today for further information on what qualifies as unsecured debt by calling Fears | Nachawati at toll free 1.866.705.7584 or e-mail us at