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Dallas-Fort Worth area sees decrease in foreclosure filings in February


The Dallas News reports that the Dallas-Fort Worth area has seen a decrease in foreclosure filings in February, according to Foreclosure Listing Service.

Home foreclosure postings for the four-county area (Dallas, Tarrant, Collin and Denton) totaled 4,695. That’s a 20% decrease from the nearly 6,000 postings recorded in January.

This month’s number of postings also represents a 4% decrease from February of last year. In fact, it’s the lowest foreclosure total for a February sale in three years in the Dallas-Fort Worth area.

The largest decline in foreclosure filings was seen in Collin County, where postings were down 9% from a year ago. Dallas County has seen a 7% decrease, followed by a 4% decrease in Denton.

Only Tarrant County is up from last year, with a 2% increase compared to the same period in 2009.

CEO of Foreclosure Listing Service George Roddy Sr. says the decline is welcome news but cautions against jumping to any conclusions. “While this decline may be what we have been waiting to see, a change for just one month does not establish a new trend. We will just have to wait to see what happens next month.”

If you are a Texas homeowner facing foreclosure, talk to a bankruptcy attorney today to learn more about your financial options. Bankruptcy may be able to stop the foreclosure and allow you to keep your home.


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Dallas-Fort Worth area sees decrease in foreclosure filings in February