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Did Bard Avaulta Make Your Transvaginal Mesh?

Bard Avaulta, the Georgia-based medical products manufacturer, designed, marketed, and manufactured thousands of transvaginal mesh devices, a disturbingly large number of which have caused serious injuries, pain, and suffering. Was your transvaginal mesh produced by Bard Avaulta? Is Bard Avaulta responsible for your health outcomes? The attorneys at Fears Nachawati in Dallas may be able to help answer these questions.


Bard’s transvaginal mesh products have been sold under a variety of names, including Avaulta Plus, Avaulta Solo, Faslata, and PelviSoft. Whatever the name, all have been shown to produce harm to some patients. For many consumers, these TVM products have caused pain, infection, and more serious health conditions.


Can the attorneys and professionals at Fears Nachawati help you? There’s only one way to find out. Contact us today for your free consultation. Call us at 1.866.545.8364 or email so that we can start helping you. 

Drug Litigation

Did Bard Avaulta Make Your Transvaginal Mesh?