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Did Your Physician Prescribe Actoplus Met for Your Type 2 Diabetes?

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has joined regulatory bodies in France and Germany in cautioning patients, consumers, and health care professionals against the risks of pioglitazone-based drug Actos as well as similar Type 2 diabetes drugs, Actoplus Met, Actoplus Met XR, and Duetact. If you’ve been prescribed one of these drugs, you’re not the only one: in 2010 more than 2 million patients were issued one of these drugs.


Type 2 diabetes is a dangerous and potentially lethal medical condition. Unfortunately, recent medical studies reveal that these anti-diabetes drugs are dangerous in their own right. Confirming the findings of these surveys, numerous Actos, Actoplus Met, and Duetact patients have been diagnosed with bladder cancer.


Are you showing symptoms of bladder cancer like pain while urinating or bloody urine? Have you taken Actos for a year or longer? You may need to take immediate action. And if there really is a connection between your pain and discomfort and your Type 2 diabetes medication, you should also contact the personal injury professionals at Fears Nachawati. With years of legal experience and dedicated expertise, we know how to help victims like you. For your free consultation, call us at 1.866.545.8364 or email

Drug Litigation Personal Injury

Did Your Physician Prescribe Actoplus Met for Your Type 2 Diabetes?