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Failure to Warn at Heart of Lexapro Claims

The drug maker responsible for Lexapro (escitalopram), Forest Laboratories, failed to include on the label of Lexapro boxes a warning stating that Lexapro had been linked to an increased risk of birth defects when taken during pregnancy. The absence of this warning – a medical concern first reported in 2005 – is an essential part of the claim that many victims and their families are making: that Forest Laboratories’s failure to warn led directly to the physical pain and emotional trauma that their child ultimately experienced.


Are you a Lexapro patient whose child suffered behavioral or developmental defects as a result of your prescription? Should you pursue a failure to warn claim, too? These aren’t easy questions to answer, but the attorneys at Fears Nachawati are prepared to help you address them. With years of experience and dedicated expertise, we’re prepared to advise you and, if appropriate, represent your legal interests. For a free consultation, call us at 1.866.545.8364 or email We’re ready to fight for you!

Drug Litigation

Failure to Warn at Heart of Lexapro Claims