The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has a rating system that a grade school student would easily recognize: extremely low risk drugs are given an A (i.e. Category A), relatively well-tested drugs receive a B (i.e. Category B), drugs with noted potential risks receive a C (i.e. Category C), drugs with well-defined risks are given a D, and high risk drugs receive an X (i.e. Category X). Are you surprised that for years the FDA has placed Celexa (citalopram) in Category C on the basis of several medical studies and the finding that this dangerous drug notably increases the risk of the fetus developing PPHN?
If you are surprised, you’re not alone. Thousands of expecting mothers who battle depression continue to take their SSRI antidepressant during their pregnancy, despite the health risks to their child. There’s real concern, however, that these Celexa patients continue taking their prescription on the mistaken belief that Celexa is riskless. Some experts feel that drug manufacturers inappropriately mask the real risk that their dangerous drugs impose, distracting patients from warnings such as those communicated by the FDA and its Category C label.
The attorneys at Fears Nachawati are committed to helping victims of Celexa and their families. If you, your child, and your family have suffered as a result of your exposure to Celexa or another SSRI during your pregnancy, it may be time to give us a call. You might be surprised to discover how much we know – and how much we can do to help you. For a free consultation, call us at 1.866.545.8364 or email