April 25th, The Fears Nachawati Law Firm has recently been retained to represent the family of a man who was seriously injured and ultimately passed away while making lock at a dam inside the territorial waters of the United States. According to Mr. Nachawati, ” the death or loss of any loved one is difficult, if not impossible to deal with, and as a result, requires a full investigation and inquiry into any death potentially involving any Jones Act Seamen, product liability or maritime claim.” He further stated that his ” lawyers and law firm remain dedicated to families and people who suffer as a result of the negligence of any third party,as the pursuit of justice, truth, and the protection of those injured are the only things that matter to his firm.” Mr. Nachawati further commented that it is oftentimes difficult to conduct and independent investigation because evidence is commonly lost, altered, or destroyed as each hour passes after incidents involving serious injuries or wrongful deaths occurring on semi-submersibles, steamboats, rigs, drilling platforms, and other types of sea vessels. For legal information concerning the Jones Act, maritime claims and deaths, contact the firm by e-mail at mn@fnlawfirm.com or by phone at 1(866) 705-7584.