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Five common causes of car accidents

Car accidents can occur any time, anywhere. Even the most cautious of drivers can become involved in a car accident. You can’t control the behavior of other drivers, and it is typically the choices a driver makes that lead to car accidents.

To help protect yourself and your loved ones from being involved in a Texas car accident, it helps to be aware of the most common causes of motor vehicle collisions. In Texas, and all around the country, there are five factors that are frequently at play in a car accident:

  1. Speeding: When you’re speeding, you have less time to react in order to avoid a potential accident. Also, the faster you are driving, the more braking distance you need, reducing your chances of stopping in time to prevent a collision.
  2. Aggression: Examples of aggressive driving include ignoring traffic signals, failing to yield to the right of way, tailgating and excessively changing lanes.
  3. Distractions: Whenever you’re behind the wheel, your full attention should be devoted to the road and the traffic around you. Distractions such as talking on the cell phone or to passengers, eating or changing radio stations contribute to as many as 50% of all car accidents.
  4. Fatigue: Factors such as lack of sleep and the side-effects of medication can cause driver fatigue – which accounts for almost 100,000 car accident deaths every year.
  5. Driving under the influence of alcohol: Intoxication impairs your judgment and slows your reaction time, dramatically increasing your chances of causing a car accident. It can also lead to driver fatigue.

If you have been involved in a car accident caused by another driver’s irresponsible or illegal behavior behind the wheel, contact Fears | Nachawati today for free legal advice. You will speak directly with a Texas car accident lawyer who will provide you with a no charge consultation. You can email us at or call our toll-free number at 1.866.705.7584.


Personal Injury

Five common causes of car accidents