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How Can a Lexapro Lawyer Help You?

Many areas of the law are complex. One of the most challenging is medical product liability. Not only must the lawyers committed to this disciple understand the intersection of federal and state statutes and federal and state judicial interpretations, but they must also appreciate complicated factual realities, such as how particular drugs affect particular patients or how to evaluate medical findings in the context of uncertainty.


If took Lexapro (escitalopram) during your pregnancy and your child was born with a birth defect such as a congenital heart defect or a physical abnormality, you may need the help of attorneys who understand the challenges of product liability law in the health care context. More than you might even realize, you probably have questions like whether Lexapro caused your family’s injury and suffering and whether the maker of this powerful drug may be legally responsible.


Answering these questions is difficult, but the attorneys at the Dallas law firm are prepared to address your most pressing concerns. With years of experience considering these kinds of issues, we’re prepared to help victims like you. For your free consultation, call us at 1.866.545.8364 or email We’re ready to advise you.

Drug Litigation

How Can a Lexapro Lawyer Help You?