No one thinks it will happen to them, but it is possible that if you have sought care from a hospital, you might be defrauded during the billing process. While you should expect to be billed for the care that you receive, there have been countless cases where a hospital adds fraudulent charges or otherwise increases the costs. Sometimes hospitals file fraudulent liens, which means they will overtreat you in order to increase the costs. Another way that you could be fraudulently charged is by the hospital realizing you were in an accident caused by a third-party, so they increase the charges.
If a hospital charges different fees for treating the same injury, then they are defrauding you. For example, a patient who broke an arm when they fell from a ladder in their home was charged less than a patient who broke his arm in a car crash that was caused by another driver. In that case, the hospital increased the costs because they realized a third party was liable and they could file a lien to recover a portion of the money from a lawsuit settlement filed by the car crash victim.
Review the Bill in Detail
You should always compare the costs on your medical bill to the prices for the same treatment at another medical facility in the same geographical area. If your bill has higher charges, then you may have been charged unreasonable amounts. It is not legal for a hospital to overcharge, so you should talk with a Texas attorney in order to have a lawyer looking out for your interests and perhaps helping you get your claim against the hospital on track.
Filing a Lien
Not every lien filed by a hospital is legal. You could have a fraudulent lien filed against you by the hospital, and action can be taken against them. If you were only treated in the emergency room, they cannot file a lien. You must be admitted to the hospital as an in-patient within 72 hours of suffering an injury that was the fault of a third party in order for a lien to be filed against you. If you have a lien filed against you and you weren’t admitted to the hospital within that specific timeframe, then you can refute the claims and should enlist the help of a lawyer.
Consult with a Lawyer
If you suspect a hospital is defrauding you, you should consult with a Texas attorney. They will help you fight the lien or bill, and you can take legal steps against the hospital for their fraudulent actions. A lawyer will be able to provide a free case review and will be able to tell you the best way to proceed with your case. If the attorney sees that fraud has occurred, he or she will take the appropriate action on your behalf.
Our team at Fears Nachawati has helped countless Texans fight fraudulent efforts by area hospitals to overcharge, whether that is through liens or otherwise. If you or a loved one is in the same boat, don’t hesitate to reach out to our team of experts today. For your free, no-obligation legal consultation, please call our team today at (866) 705-7584, or visit one of the offices located throughout the great state of Texas, including in Houston, Dallas, Austin, Fort Worth, and San Antonio.