Prozac (fluoxetine) is not only a widely prescribed antidepressant, but also a dangerous drug. Pregnant women are often particularly concerned about their Prozac prescription because of medical research that suggests a relationship between fluoxetine and a variety of developmental complications and birth defects.
A child’s prenatal and neonatal exposure to fluoxetine – either through the umbilical cord or breast milk – can cause serious injuries. In fact, the risk is so severe that the American Association of Pediatrics has cautioned against the possible effects of Prozac during pregnancy.
Tragically, the question that many families ultimately ask is whether the poor neonatal adaptation and other more severe birth defects in their child are related to the mother’s prescription to Prozac. It’s a difficult question to answer; it can be even harder to understand the legal effects of Prozac-related injuries. Fortunately for you, the attorneys at Fears Nachawati are prepared to help you sort through these issues. For a free consultation, call us at 1.866.545.8364 or email