Just because you filed bankruptcy does not mean you cannot buy a home in the future, but you will probably have to wait at least 2 years after your bankruptcy is discharged before a mortgage lender will approve you for a home loan. It is usually best to wait at least 2 years to qualify for a good interest rate and lower down payment. After the two-year waiting period is over, you should be able to get financing. You can usually achieve this as long as your debts are paid on time after the discharge of your bankruptcy.
Also, if you are currently facing foreclosure or too many credit card bills, it may be in your best interest to file for bankruptcy. When you file for bankruptcy, it will place an automatic stay that will suspend any collection action by creditors. Through bankruptcy you may be able to save your current home or improve your credit rating, as you will no longer be lowering it due to late payments.
If you are considering filing for bankruptcy contact bankruptcy law firm, Fears | Nachawati, by calling toll free 1.866.705.7584 or by e-mailing us at info@fnlawfirm.com for a free consultation.