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Injured While at Work in Fort Worth? Your Five First Steps

Over 4,000 workers are killed on the job every year in the United States, and there are more than 3 million people that are non-fatally injured while at work each year. If you happen to be one of those people dealing with such an incident this year, you are probably looking for a Fort Worth work injury attorney, like Fears Nachawati Law Firm.

But there are actually several things you need to do, before or after hiring a Fort Worth injury lawyer, that will help you in your worker’s compensation claim.

Five Steps to Take After Being Injured at Work

You might have already done a few of these steps, but it is important you read all five, just in case there is anything you might have missed. Workers’ compensation is insurance coverage employers must provide their employees, in case they are injured on the job or develop occupational diseases.

Notify Your Employer Immediately

It sounds obvious, but many people wait too long before notifying their employer of an injury that happened at work because they might not realize how serious it is until too late. By law, you have to notify your employer within four working days of the injury. Ideally, you’ll notify them in a written statement, but verbal notification is the minimal amount of reporting you should do.

Get Medical Treatment

Your employer likely has a medical provider already designated, and you might already have a doctor chosen from their authorized physician list. An emergency room visit might be necessary, depending on the severity of the injury, of course, but try to follow your insurance provider’s guidelines.

Hire a Reliable Fort Worth Work Injury Attorney

A Fort Worth work injury law firm will represent you in your worker’s compensation case, and they will be on your side the entire way. You will want a team that is big enough to have experience winning against insurance companies, but also small enough to give you the personal service you need, like Fears Nachawati Law Firm. Bryan Fears and Majed Nachawati worked together at a larger firm, and took that experience with them to create their current team, which is the right size for the job.

Document Everything Relating To Your Injury

There is no question that the more documentation you can provide, the better your chances of winning your case will be. From documenting every phone call made, to every letter received and every person you deal with, make sure you gather everything dealing with your injury and treatment, as well as all of your losses and expenses.

Gather All Records and Receipts

As far as what records and receipts you should be gathering, it is always better to have too much, than not enough. Get your payments to hospitals and doctors together, along with any other medical service providers, expenses like transportation, time lost from work and everything else you can think of related to the injury, or your inability to work because of it.

Call Fears Nachawati Law Firm, an experienced Fort Worth Work Injury Attorney, at (817) 230-4750, or come down to our offices at 777 Main Street, Suite 600, Fort Worth, Texas, 76102.

Personal Injury