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Is a Pradaxa Settlement Right for You?

Some Pradaxa patients have experienced untreatable, irreversible side effects as a result of their time – even just a few weeks or months – taking this powerful anticoagulant. The most notable of these side effects, cerebral hemorrhage, has caused permanent brain damage, even where doctors were eventually able to get the patient’s internal bleeding under control.


What’s the problem with a full trial over Pradaxa injuries and whether the drug’s maker failed to appropriately warn its customers? In principle, there’s nothing wrong with this. However, for patients and their families who are counting every remaining day of life as precious, the delay associated with the trial and ultimate appeals of these issues could strip patients of their remaining quality of life. That’s why some victims and their loved ones still hope for a settlement.


Are you a Pradaxa patient or a patient’s loved one who wants a settlement for injuries sustained? The attorneys at the law firm of Fears Nachawati can help you understand your legal rights – and the opportunities before you. Talk to our professionals today to learn about your options. For your free consultation, call us at 1.866.545.8364 or email We’re ready to give you the advice you need.

Drug Litigation

Is a Pradaxa Settlement Right for You?