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Is Your Child’s Clubfoot the Result of Your Celexa Prescription?

Clubfoot is a birth defect which medical researchers have recently found may be caused by a number of antidepressants, including Celexa. An infant suffering from clubfoot has bones, joints, muscles, and blood vessels in their leg that are abnormal. The good news is that in most cases clubfoot can be treated. The bad news is that failure to treat clubfoot properly will cause pain or disability for the child later in life.


A 2007 study in the New England Journal of Medicine found that women who took Celexa and other selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) while they were pregnant transferred considerable risk of clubfoot to the child in their womb. A subsequent study at the University of Ulm in Germany confirmed this finding with similar results.


If your child suffered or suffers from clubfoot, his or her clubfoot may have been caused by your Celexa or other SSRI prescription. Fortunately, the Fears Nachawati legal experts know how to fight for your rights – and the rights of your injured child. For your free consultation just call 1.866.545.8364 or email We can help.

Drug Litigation

Is Your Child’s Clubfoot the Result of Your Celexa Prescription?