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No-Strings-Attached Free Credit Reports is the ONLY authorized source to get your free annual credit reports under federal law. The Fair Credit Reporting Act guarantees you access to one free credit report every twelve months from each of the three nationwide reporting agencies: Experian, Equifax, and TransUnion. You can request your free report online, by phone or by mail. Visit, call 1-877-322-8228, or fill out the Annual Credit Report Request form and mail it to Annual Credit Report Request Service, P.O. Box 105281, Atlanta, GA 30348-5281. No matter how you request your report, you have the option to request all three reports at once or to order one report at a time.

The New York Times reports that the Federal Trade Commission is concerned that some sites, like Experian owned, uses the offer of free credit reports to lure customers to pay a $14.95 monthly service that alerts subscribers to important changes in their credit status. The Times also reports that 9 million people are spending a total of $650 to $700 million annually on Experian’s credit reporting services.

Unlike other "free" credit report services, is entirely free for your credit reports. NO CREDIT CARD NEEDED! If you want your credit score, it is available for a modest extra charge.

Don’t be fooled by funny TV ads or catchy radio jingles. Make sure that free means free! The FTC wants to ensure consumers aren’t paying for credit reports that are available for free, so it has produced two of its own videos that parody the ads: The Restaurant and The Apartment. Enjoy the videos below and remember to get your absolutely-free-no-strings-attached credit reports at, baby!

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No-Strings-Attached Free Credit Reports