A University of California study found that Prozac (fluoxetine) contributed to birth abnormalities in children whose mother took fluoxetine treatments during her pregnancy. Specifically, the study revealed that these children experienced three or more minor abnormalities twice as frequently as normal babies.
Birth defects were most common when babies were exposed to fluoxetine during the third trimester. Consider that these children were more than twice as likely to need special attention after birth, five times more likely to be delivered prematurely, and nearly nine times more likely to experience poor neonatal adaptation, such as respiratory difficulty, cyanosis, and jitteriness.
What does this mean for your family? Regardless of whether your child was born in 1999 or 2009, his exposure to fluoxetine through Prozac or another SSRI antidepressant may have contributed to the birth defects he battles today. Are you ready to find out whether your child’s birth defects were the result of Prozac? To take the first step, give the legal experts at Fears Nachawati a call. We’re prepared to help you determine the right way forward for your family. For your free consultation, call us at 1.866.545.8364 or email mn@fnlawfirm.com. We’re ready to fight for you!