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Transvaginal Mesh, Your Adult Child, and You

For older parents, it can be difficult to know how to advise your adult children. Sure, they still need help sometimes, but they rarely ask for advice and you often feel hesitant to give it. However, in a few instances, your experience and wisdom can be particularly influential. One such situation is whether your adult child should take legal action in the wake of their ineffective, painful, and embarrassing transvaginal mesh (TVM) operation.


As you may already know, thousands of women have experienced complications following a TVM surgery. Unfortunately, many patients are embarrassed and hesitant to report a problem or inquire as to whether a defective medical product caused their pain and discomfort. Given the nature of POP, SUI, and TVM surgery, being reticent is understandable. However, it’s often not advisable. A professional may be able to help.


If you know that your adult child has suffered a TVM complication, you may be able to help her understand that talking to medical and legal professionals is an important first step down the road to recovery. With the attorneys at the Dallas law firm of Fears Nachawati, your loved one can trust that their experience will be kept in strict confidence. Contacting our professionals may benefit victims like your adult child. Free consultations are available. Just call us at 1.866.545.8364 or email

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Transvaginal Mesh, Your Adult Child, and You