Every day, drivers share the road with semi-trucks. We may think of them as a nuisance, even though we know they are a crucial part of American commerce. However, have you ever stopped to think about it from the perspective of a semi-truck driver? Their job certainly isn’t easy. By paying closer attention to semis, you and everyone else can get where they’re going safely.
Here is a list of things semi drivers want you to know.
- They Can’t Always See You: Because of their sheer size and how they are designed, semi-trucks have significant blind spots. Even with the addition of mirrors, there are four blind spots along the side of the trucks. If a semi driver signals or is moving into your lane, chances are they can’t see you.
- They Take a Long Time to Stop: If you cut off a semi-truck, you and the truck driver could both be injured in an otherwise avoidable accident. Braking in a semi is not the same as braking in a standard passenger car. It takes a semi over twice the distance to stop as it does your average car. Keep this in mind the next time you pass a semi and suddenly hit the brakes.
- Give Them Space on Hills: Hills can be extremely challenging for semi-trucks and other heavy motor vehicles. Because of their weight, most trucks gain a lot of momentum when going down a hill and slow down dramatically going up a hill. The semi’s speed can fluctuate a lot, so it’s important to give them enough space on hills. It’s a good idea to pass a semi-truck before they are going down a hill and to give them a wide berth. Those runaway truck lanes are there for a reason.
- Their Truck Can Only Go So Fast: Many semi-trucks have a maximum speed of 65 miles per hour. Additionally, the speed limit on most roads is lower for semis than for other motor vehicles.
- They Make Super Wide Turns: Semi drivers have little control over the trailers attached to them; it’s the cab of the truck that controls the entire vehicle. Most semis need to make extremely wide turns at a slow pace to keep the trailer under control and not have it fall over, so be patient and give them room.
- Driving In A City Is Hard for Semis: Because of the amount of traffic and sometimes narrower roads, city driving is difficult for semi-trucks. They may have to make many turns in a lot of traffic congestion, so stay calm and let the semis maneuver the way they need. This is the best way to make the road safe for all.
- Know When to Pass Semis on a Two-Lane Road: When you are behind a semi-truck in traffic, it can be dangerous to pass them. Don’t rush the pass and make sure you have enough time to safely pass the semi without having to cut them off or interfere with oncoming traffic.
- They are Also On A Schedule: Many semi-truck drivers have to get their loads delivered by a specific time and day. They may be running late or are on a time crunch. You are not the only one in a hurry.
Keep these points in mind while driving with semis on highways or in cities can go a long way. We can create safer driving conditions and avoid accidents which are often devastating for passenger vehicles.
Getting into a car wreck or auto accident is always a traumatic event, but being involved in an accident with a semi-truck can be much worse. Not only is the chance of severe injury much higher, but the trucking company has a team of experienced attorneys to fight to prove that they were not at fault, which is why it is crucial that you also retain the services of a team dedicated to fighting for your best interests. The team at Fears Nachawati is here to help you if you’ve been hurt by a commercial vehicle or semi-truck in the state of Texas.
If you or a loved one has been involved in an accident, then it is important to act fast in order to build a strong case. Contact us today for a free, no-obligation legal consultation by calling (866) 705-7584 or visit one of our offices located throughout the great state of Texas, including in Houston, Dallas, Fort Worth, San Antonio, and Austin.