Three Reasons to Consider Bankruptcy in Early Fall

September 27, 2013

Three Reasons to Consider Bankruptcy in Early Fall

It is always a good time to consider solving your financial problems, but the fall season is an especially good time to seek professional help. Below... Read More

Honest Fees for Honest Work

September 26, 2013

Honest Fees for Honest Work

Most individuals are in a very serious financial state when they first consult with a bankruptcy attorney. Many bills may be unpaid and money is... Read More

Positives and Negatives of Reaffirmation Agreements

September 25, 2013

Positives and Negatives of Reaffirmation Agreements

Whether or not it is a good idea to do a reaffirmation agreement is a question that can be quite difficult for Chapter 7 debtors to answer; it is... Read More

Help! I’m a Bankruptcy Creditor!

September 24, 2013

Help! I’m a Bankruptcy Creditor!

Bankruptcy law is a balancing act between the rights of the debtor and his creditors. The presumption is that the debtor receives a discharge of... Read More

Can I Keep My Cell Phone in Bankruptcy?

September 23, 2013

Can I Keep My Cell Phone in Bankruptcy?

One common question during the initial bankruptcy interview is, “Can I keep my cell phone?” This question is actually three questions with three... Read More

What does the Paralegal do in my Bankruptcy and, who is the Legal Support Staff?

September 20, 2013

What does the Paralegal do in my Bankruptcy and, who is the Legal Support Staff?

Many bankruptcy law practices are made up of attorney’s, administrators, paralegals, legal assistants and secretaries. While the attorney is going... Read More

What Happens to a Personal Business in a Chapter 7 Bankruptcy?

September 19, 2013

What Happens to a Personal Business in a Chapter 7 Bankruptcy?

When an individual files for Chapter 7 bankruptcy protection, all of the debtor’s assets become part of a bankruptcy estate that is overseen by a... Read More

News Flash: No New Ideas in Bankruptcy Fraud

September 17, 2013

News Flash: No New Ideas in Bankruptcy Fraud

A woman from Barron, Wisconsin was recently charged with counts of bankruptcy fraud for concealing bankruptcy assets from creditors, transferring... Read More

The Automatic Stay

September 16, 2013

The Automatic Stay

The automatic stay is the shield that protects a debtor while in bankruptcy. This means that when a debtor files for bankruptcy, a creditor is... Read More