Zimmer Persona Issues Recall, Has History of Recalls for Various Products and Devices

March 31, 2015

Zimmer Persona Issues Recall, Has History of Recalls for Various Products and Devices

Zimmer, the largest manufacturer of knee implants, has recently recalled its Persona Knee implants after a substantial number of patients complained... Read More

Study Reveals That Xarelto-Related Bleeding More Likely in Patients at Higher Risk of Pulmonary Embolism

March 29, 2015

Study Reveals That Xarelto-Related Bleeding More Likely in Patients at Higher Risk of Pulmonary Embolism

In the March issue of the medical journal Academic Emergency Medicine, researchers from around the world found a disturbing correlation between the... Read More

How Bankruptcy Can Help if You are Behind on Your Mortgage Payments

March 27, 2015

How Bankruptcy Can Help if You are Behind on Your Mortgage Payments

If you happen to fall behind on your mortgage payments, then filing Bankruptcy may provide an option to help you catch up and get current on your... Read More

Fears Nachawati Participates in Dallas Rock ‘n’ Roll Half Marathon

March 26, 2015

Fears Nachawati Participates in Dallas Rock ‘n’ Roll Half Marathon

On Sunday, March 22, 2015, the partners, Bryan Fears and Majed Nachawati, at Fears Nachawati Law Firm participated in the Dallas Rock ‘n’... Read More

Zimmer Persona Recalls Knee Replacement Plate

Zimmer Persona Recalls Knee Replacement Plate

On March 12, Zimmer Persona recalled more than 11,600 of their personalized artificial knee component. The recall of these particular knee... Read More

Can Creditors Harass You After You File Bankruptcy?

March 25, 2015

Can Creditors Harass You After You File Bankruptcy?

When you file bankruptcy, an automatic stay is put into effect under Section 362 of the Bankruptcy Code.  The automatic stay prevents all collection... Read More

For Many Doctors, Xarelto Not Worth the Cost and Side Effects

March 23, 2015

For Many Doctors, Xarelto Not Worth the Cost and Side Effects

When Xarelto was first introduced to the market, doctors were quick to prescribe the medication because unlike it’s competition, warfarin, it... Read More

Is Medicare Paying Too Much for Acthar?

March 22, 2015

Is Medicare Paying Too Much for Acthar?

After Questcor, the pharmaceutical company behind Acthar, was acquired by Ireland’s Mallinckrodt, many questions began to be raised about the... Read More

Should I Take Money Out of My 401K to Pay Off Debts?

March 20, 2015

Should I Take Money Out of My 401K to Pay Off Debts?

Your retirement fund, also known as 401K, is something that you work your entire life for. The last thing you want is for bankruptcy to swipe all of... Read More