Client Charged For Allegedly Misappropriating Finances

October 31, 2013

Client Charged For Allegedly Misappropriating Finances

David was charged with a State Jail Felony for allegedly misappropriating finances while operating an insurance business.  Through our pretrial... Read More

Inheritance During Chapter 13 Bankruptcy

Inheritance During Chapter 13 Bankruptcy

Just as debts incurred after a case is filed are not subject to the bankruptcy discharge, so is property acquired after bankruptcy not at risk of... Read More

Bankruptcy Can Help Avoid Foreclosure

October 30, 2013

Bankruptcy Can Help Avoid Foreclosure

Bankruptcy attorneys often advertise that filing bankruptcy can stop foreclosure. However, because of the self-serving interest bankruptcy attorneys... Read More

Fears | Nachawati Managing Attorney Andrea Perez Speaks at the Art Institute of Dallas

October 29, 2013

Fears | Nachawati Managing Attorney Andrea Perez Speaks at the Art Institute of Dallas

On Friday, October 18, 2013, Attorney Andrea Perez was invited to be a guest speaker at the Art Institute of Dallas and presented a seminar for... Read More

Answering Chapter 7 Trustee Questions at the 341 Meeting

Answering Chapter 7 Trustee Questions at the 341 Meeting

Your Chapter 7 bankruptcy meeting of creditors (also called the “341 meeting” or “Trustee’s meeting”) can be intimidating. Fortunately, you... Read More

Fears | Nachawati Law Firm has the Criminal Defense Experience You Need

October 24, 2013

Fears | Nachawati Law Firm has the Criminal Defense Experience You Need

Being arrested and accused of a crime is a frightening experience and one of the most stressful situations a person can find themselves in.  You can... Read More

Can a Creditor Collect After Canceling a Debt?

Can a Creditor Collect After Canceling a Debt?

When you are unable to pay a debt, the creditor can commence the collection process. This can take years and seriously damage your credit. From the... Read More

Surrender Property During Bankruptcy

October 23, 2013

Surrender Property During Bankruptcy

If you need to walk away from real estate, a boat, a car, or other expensive personal property, it is a good idea to speak with a bankruptcy... Read More

Bankruptcy is Lasting Protection

October 22, 2013

Bankruptcy is Lasting Protection

If you are struggling with overwhelming debts that you cannot pay, bankruptcy can shield you from creditors and legally restructure your personal... Read More