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Fears | Nachawati Law Firm has the Criminal Defense Experience You Need

Being arrested and accused of a crime is a frightening experience and one of the most stressful situations a person can find themselves in.  You can find yourself in unfamiliar places such as jail and a court room and be exposed to new, often confusing language and concepts that are difficult to understand.  A criminal defense attorney is critical to obtaining a favorable outcome; the earlier you retain counsel, the sooner your attorney can begin preparing your defense, speaking to witnesses, and discussing your case with the prosecuting authority.  Timelines are important in criminal defense cases; don’t delay retaining an attorney and be required to waive potentially valuable rights.

Attorney John Raggio is a zealous advocate with the ability to listen carefully to your needs and then aggressively defend your rights.  Fears Nachawati Law Firm is available to assist you with bond hearings, pre-trial motions such as motions to suppress evidence, negotiations with the district attorney’s office, and the trial of your case if necessary.  Don’t delay making this critical decision that can impact your future, contact us today for your free consultation.

Criminal Law