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Client Charged For Allegedly Misappropriating Finances

David was charged with a State Jail Felony for allegedly misappropriating finances while operating an insurance business.  Through our pretrial investigation we were able to determine that David’s employees likely had access to the stolen funds at issue in the case.  Further, there appeared to be questionable dealings by the insurer issuing the policies purchased through David’s business.  Following discussions with the assistant district attorney assigned to the matter we were able to negotiate a reduction of the charged offense to a misdemeanor. Further, the court allowed a deferral of the final disposition in the case. If David meets all of the legal requirements of the agreement he can apply to remove the charge from his record.

Attorney John Raggio is a zealous advocate with the ability to listen carefully to your needs and then aggressively defend your rights. Fears Nachawati Law Firm is available to assist you with bond hearings, pre-trial motions such as motions to suppress evidence, negotiations with the district attorney’s office, and the trial of your case if necessary. Don’t delay making this critical decision that can impact your future, contact us today for your free consultation.

Criminal Law