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How Can the Law Help Paxil Patients?

Paxil (paroxetine) endangers the health and well being of fetuses exposed to Paxil during a woman’s pregnancy, according to recent studies. In fact, as the FDA has repeatedly determined, Paxil can double the probability that children developing in the womb experience serious heart and brain conditions. The risks are so real that the FDA has placed Paxil in its second highest category for risk of birth defects.


If your child has been born with Paxil-related birth conditions, you need to know the many ways that the law can work for you. Fortunately for you, the attorneys at Fears Nachawati are prepared to outline how the law helps Paxil patients and their children as well as whether you have a credible case. Talk to our dedicated professionals today! For your free consultation, call us at 1.866.545.8364 or email

Drug Litigation

How Can the Law Help Paxil Patients?