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Is the Most Prescribed Antidepressant Dangerous for Your Child?

At roughly 29 million prescriptions per year, Zoloft (sertraline) has historically been the most prescribed selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI) on the U.S. market. And yet, for many women and their children, Zoloft may do more harm than good.


Medical studies have shown that women who take Zoloft while pregnant expose their child to roughly 1/3 of the parental dosage. Are there negative consequences to this exposure? For many children, the answer is yes. Birth defects associated with prenatal exposure to Zoloft include heart, lung, limb reduction defects.


Do you have questions about the relationship of Zoloft to your child’s birth defects? Fortunately, the attorneys and specialists at Fears Nachawati are prepared to address your concerns. With years of experience and dedicated expertise, we’re ready to fight for your rights. For your free consultation, call us at 1.866.545.8364 or email

Drug Litigation

Is the Most Prescribed Antidepressant Dangerous for Your Child?