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5 Important Facts About Drunk Driving All Drivers Should Know

Drinking and driving is an expensive venture. Despite the harsher DUI laws, people continue to drink and drive and ultimately, damage property and destroy lives. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), there are 29 people killed in alcohol-impaired accidents daily, which means about one person dies every 50 minutes. Despite drunk-driving deaths dropping by a third during the last 30 years, more than 10,000 people still die every year because of drunk driving. Plus, there is someone injured in a drunk driving accident every two minutes. Everyone should be aware of this serious threat on our roads.

Here are 5 important facts about drunk driving that all drivers should know:

1.    Studies have shown that on average, a driver will drive a vehicle while they are under the influence of alcohol at least 80 times before they are arrested and charged with a DUI the first time. That statistic is startling, and that obviously is what contributes to the increased odds of being involved in a crash with a drunk driver.

2.    Impairment or intoxication is not based on the kind of alcohol that you consume, but instead the number of drinks that are consumed over a certain time period. While there are many misconceptions and myths, such as coffee, exercise, or a cold shower helping a person become sober, that isn’t the case. Simply put, it takes time to sober up.

3.    Studies revealed that between 50% to 75% of those drivers who have had their licenses revoked because of a DUI will drive illegally without a license. Many of those drivers will be driving intoxicated again despite not having a license because of the prior revocation or suspension.

4.    There is a No Tolerance Policy in the United States for drivers younger than 21. This policy doesn’t allow any alcohol to be in their bloodstream while they are operating a vehicle. When caught, these drivers face the loss of license, expensive fines, and possibly jail time plus higher insurance premiums in the future.

5.    Traffic accidents are the leading cause of death for teenagers, and about one-third of those fatalities involve the use of alcohol or drugs by one of those driving at the time of the crash.

Drunk-Driving is Costly for Everyone

Drunk driving has serious consequences, even for those who are innocent victims. Driving drunk can affect a driver’s record for the rest of his or her life, affecting his or her ability to find employment, costing him or her thousands more in insurance premiums in the long run, and even leading to the impounding of their vehicle. On average, a DUI conviction costs a driver about $10,000 nationwide. Despite the number of drunk driving fatalities dropping, it remains a serious problem for law enforcement agencies and drivers across the United States.

Drunk driving crashes cost the involved parties and the communities greatly, with property damages, lost productivity from missed time at work and the cost of medical care and emergency responders. Then when the court costs and time spent pursuing a criminal case for DUI are added in, a single accident can cost tens of thousands of dollars.

If you or a loved one have been arrested for a DUI or DWI in Texas, then it is important to understand the seriousness of the charges faced and to retain the services of an experienced drunk driving lawyer like those at Fears Nachawati. it is crucial that you have an experienced drunk driving attorney on your side, who will fight to ensure that your rights are protected and will help you navigate the complicated legal process ahead. In order to schedule your free, no-obligation legal consultation please call (866) 705-7584 and we have offices located throughout the state of Texas, including in Houston, Dallas, Fort Worth, San Antonio, and Austin.

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