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5 Tips to Driving Safely

1. Stay alert and relaxed
If you’re tired, don’t drive. If you’ve had a rough day at the office, chill out before you get on the road. Your car drives as you feel, so be nice and stay alert. Keep a firm and friendly grip on the wheel. Avoid clenching and choking; conversely, don’t drape a wrist over the top and think you’ve got control. Most of all, make sure you’re comfortable, and that all controls are within easy reach.

2. Use your senses
If you stare at the car in front, chances are good that you’ll drive right into an accident. Look around; survey the road ahead so you know what’s coming up, and keep an eye on the road behind. If you need to change lanes, try planning your move a few cars ahead so that you have plenty of time to merge. Listen for sirens, horns, or screeching tires. And most of all, use your sense: if you think a driver is going to cut you off, back off a little and let them in. If you see a car coming up fast in the rear view, avoid making sudden moves.

3. Stay put
People who change lanes get into more accidents. What’s worse, they make accidents happen. So keep away from the lane fidgets, pick one and drive to your destination.

4. Drive a car, not a cell phone
If the keys are in the ignition, the phone should be powered off. If you’re driving with children, keep in mind that kids don’t normally disappear into thin air — so it’s okay if you stop looking at them and concentrate on the road instead. No matter what it is, avoid distraction and focus on the task in hand — driving.

5. Share the road
The Golden Rule applies to driving — in fact, it should be a law. When you share the road, you put everyone in a good mood, avoid accidents and arrive at your destination in a friendly frame of mind. Try it: the next time someone is attempting a last minute lane change, be courteous and let them into the lane. Not only have you avoided a fender-bender, but you’ve also done a good deed.

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Personal Injury