Fifty-four million people in 90 countries have something in common: they all take Prozac (fluoxetine hydrochloride). Millions of these Prozac patients are women who are pregnant or may become pregnant – and they don’t know the risk that Prozac represents for the child in their womb.
Multiple medical studies have found that Prozac can cause persistent pulmonary hypertension (PPHN) in children exposed to the drug while in the womb. PPHN is potentially life threatening – and, at the very least, a life altering condition for the child, mother and family. Infants born with PPHN have lungs that fail to assume the function of oxygenating their blood. In a real sense, Prozac takes their breath away.
The attorneys at Fears Nachawati are committed to fighting for the rights of families who have been hurt by Prozac. If your child was born with birth defects related to in-the-womb Prozac exposure, you should give us a call. We may be able to help you. For a free consultation, call us at 1.866.545.8364 or email