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Aggressive Lexapro Marketing Puts Profits over Patients

Lexapro (escitalopram) is a dangerous drug that has been linked to a variety of neonatal birth defects, including persistent pulmonary hypertension (PPHN) and potentially severe withdrawal symptoms. You may know a little about the risks of Lexapro, but do you know about the drug maker behind the product?


Forest Laboratories, the maker of Lexapro, has long adopted an aggressive marketing strategy specifically designed to convince doctors to prescribe Lexapro instead of other cheaper or more appropriate options. In fact, the sharp practices of Forest Laboratories have resulted in multiple whistleblower lawsuits and allegations of kickbacks to doctors.


While it’s important to note that these whistleblower lawsuits weren’t initiated because of the prescription of Lexapro to pregnant women, these controversies – and the factual record they illuminate – reveal the aggressive, high-pressure strategies that Forest Laboratories has used against doctors, perhaps including your OB/GYN physician.


Did you find out what you needed to know about the risks of Lexapro during visits with your physician? Although you didn’t know it, your physician may have been under pressure to advise you to continue taking Lexapro, despite FDA warnings.


Want to find out more about the relationship between Forest Laboratories, Lexapro, your physician, and your child’s PPHN? Talk to the dangerous drug attorneys at Fears Nachawati for the latest information in this important area of health and personal injury law. For a free consultation, call us at 1.866.545.8364 or email

Drug Litigation Personal Injury

Aggressive Lexapro Marketing Puts Profits over Patients