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Are Your Celexa Treatments Responsible for Your Child’s Side Effects?

For thousands of mother just like you, Celexa is no longer just an antidepressant. It’s also the drug that contributed to a child’s birth defects. If this sounds painfully familiar, you should talk to the professionals and attorneys at the Dallas law firm of Fears Nachawati.


In the last several years, increasing amounts of information have shown that a pregnant mother’s Celexa (citalopram) treatments may be responsible for a variety of prenatal congenital heart, lung, and neurological defects in her child. Sadly, the risk of Celexa-related injury is particularly high in the first trimester—the time when many women do not realize that they are pregnant.


Do you have questions about how your Celexa treatments may have impacted your child’s health and what that may mean for your legal rights? Fortunately, the attorneys at our firm are prepared to help you sort through these challenging issues. Let us help you by talking to our professionals today. For your free consultation, call us at 1.866.545.8364 or email We’re ready to fight for you!

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Are Your Celexa Treatments Responsible for Your Child’s Side Effects?