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Article on How to Ruin Your Credit

There is a great article published on today listing out 7 ways to essentially ruin your credit.  Many mistakes on the list are very common and can lead to a lower credit score and trouble with lenders viewing your credit report.  The article can be found here and the 7 key mistakes are listed below:

1. Close Credit Card Accounts

2. Let Credit Cards Collect Dust

3. Run Up High Balances

4. Apply for New Credit Repeatedly

5. Don’t Pay Fines or Non-Credit Card Bills

6. Ignore Mistakes on Your Report

7. Make Late Payments or Skip Them Entirely 

If you believe that your credit is beyond repair and have made many of the above mistakes then bankruptcy might be the right answer for you.  Contact Fears | Nachawati for a free consultation today by calling toll free at 1-866-705-7584 or by e-mailing

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Article on How to Ruin Your Credit