If you, or one of your loved ones, has recently been in a car accident in the Austin, Texas area, then you are looking for representation to help you file a claim against those at fault. When looking for an Austin auto accident attorney, you will want one with a lot of experience in battling insurance companies because the insurance company’s lawyers are very much experienced in fighting those claims.
The Fears Nachawati Law Firm auto accident attorneys will represent you to the insurance companies and to the court system, if the case does end up going to court before a settlement. Our law team offers experience and understanding in dealing with car accident lawsuits in Austin.
After being in a car accident, you are already dealing with so many physical and mental issues that also having to think clearly and take all the correct steps in an insurance claim or a lawsuit might be too much.
4 Ways Your Austin Auto Accident Attorney Can Help You
There are several different things an auto accident lawyer can do for you when preparing a case against another motorist and their insurance company.
One of the first things the insurance companies are going to do is investigate everything that happened with the car accident, but you have to remember that they are looking out for themselves. You need someone that is going to fight for your rights, and make sure nothing is missed that might help your case. That is what your Austin auto accident lawyer is for.
Submitting the Claim
At Fears Nachawati Law Firm, we will handle all communications with the insurance company, which should certainly alleviate a lot of your stress, and you will be able to feel safe, knowing someone is looking out for you.
We will create your claim using all of the information collected during the investigation. We will lay it out for the insurance company, stating your injuries, explaining how the opposing party was negligent and responsible for those injuries, and finally, we will request compensation for your losses and injuries.
It is likely that your case will be resolved one of three ways: arbitration, litigation or a settlement. Your car accident lawyer will represent you every step of the way, no matter which avenue it goes down.
Before a lawsuit is formally filed, a financial settlement could be negotiated between your attorney and the insurance company. It is also quite common for a settlement to be negotiated after your lawsuit is filed with the state.
Trial Litigation and/or Settlement
If both sides cannot agree on a settlement, then the case moves on, it will eventually be tried in front of a judge or a jury, or possibly both.
All of the information gathered during the investigation phase will now be used as evidence, along with all the documentation and testimony you have offered, and it will be presented to the judge and/or jury. They will hear both sides, deliberate and decide on a verdict, while also deciding the amount of compensation you should receive.
Use an experienced Austin auto accident law firm, like the team at Fears Nachawati Law Firm. Feel free to contact us at (512) 535-2206, or visit our offices at 401 Congress Avenue, in Suite 1540, Austin, Texas, 78701. We also have offices in Dallas, Fort Worth, Houston and San Antonio, as well as offices in Colorado and Florida.