The effects of debt can affect your credit, your health, and even your job. Calls to your work from debt collectors can interfere with your job performance. Requesting payday advances from your employer can cost you a raise or promotion. In some extreme cases your debt problem can even get you fired.
The Cleveland Plain Dealer recently reported that 39 Defense Finance and Accounting Service employees will lose their jobs as a result of their bad credit ratings. In each case the employee mismanaged finances and failed to meet standards the government requires of employees who have access to sensitive information like Social Security numbers. While you may not have a government job that requires a security clearance, if your debt issues are affecting your job, it is time to get help.
Government and many private employers hold the opinion that excessive indebtedness increases the temptation to commit unethical or illegal acts in order to obtain funds to pay off debts. Private employers that are especially sensitive to their employees’ debt include banks and other financial institutions, retail stores, and any business where the employee might handle cash on a routine basis.
The federal bankruptcy laws can help you solve your debt problem without losing your job. Section 525 of the Bankruptcy Code prohibits a government or private employer from terminating or discriminating against an employee who files bankruptcy. The federal law clearly forbids an employer from firing you on account of your bankruptcy.
Many employers view bankruptcy as a resolution of a debt problem through a government approved process, which may positively reflect on the employee as an indication of financial responsibility. Eliminating your debts through bankruptcy may also decrease financial pressures and lessen the risk of unethical or illegal acts.
If your debts are affecting your job, consult with a bankruptcy attorney and explore your options. Bankruptcy is a federally guaranteed legal process that helps individuals recover from overwhelming financial hardship. Protect yourself and your job by getting the help and relief you need. Free Consultation
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