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Better regulation of tanning beds urged

Last month the Food & Drug Administration held hearings concerning the safety of tanning beds.  The World Health Organization recently release a report on tanning beds, rating their cancer risk as comparable to that of tobacco smoke and asbestos.  The research was published in the journal Lancet Oncology, and shows a 75% increase in risk of melanoma, the most dangerous and deadly type of skin cancer, in individuals who use tanning beds before age 30.  While some regulation exists today, studies show that tanning bed operators frequently do not comply with recommended safety guidelines.  Stronger regulation would results in additional warnings and better protection of minors who use tanning beds. 

If you or someone you know has been injured by a tanning bed or another dangerous product, or by the acts or omissions of a person or a business, the attorneys of Fears | Nachawati would be happy to seek justice on your behalf.  Call us today at 1-866-705-7584 and let our legal team work for you. 

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