Yes, you can still purchase a home after filing for bankruptcy. Bankruptcy does not create any type of legal barrier to home ownership. As long as you are otherwise creditworthy, you can buy a house after you have filed for bankruptcy.
Also, the property you acquire after you file for bankruptcy, such as a new home, is not subject to the claims of your pre-filing creditors. You can purchase a home without fear that your past creditors will try to repossess it from you in order to fulfill your old debts.
As mentioned above, the issue really boils down to whether mortgage lenders see you as creditworthy. Most everyone needs a loan in order to be able to afford to buy a house. These days, bankruptcy typically ceases to have a real effect on your credit within about two years after you file. That means that within 24 months, many people who have filed for bankruptcy will qualify for a loan on as favorable of terms as they would have had they not filed for bankruptcy.
To learn more about the legal effects of bankruptcy, contact the bankruptcy lawyers of Fears | Nachawati today for free legal advice. Simply email us or phone us toll free at 1.866.705.7584.