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Can the United States Trustee Help You?

In an effort to protect the integrity of the bankruptcy system, the United States Congress established an agency within the Department of Justice known as the U.S. Trustee Program. Not unlike police officers patrolling a beat, attorneys for the USTP observe the bankruptcy system and intervene when necessary in order to ensure a fair system.


Sometimes USTP attorneys intervene on behalf of debtors; in other situations, they defend the rights of creditors. In either case, their aim is to make sure that neither side succeeds in evading the rules that make U.S. bankruptcy one of the most efficient, fair, and effective financial fresh-starts in the world.


Can the U.S. Trustee help you? Perhaps. If a creditor in your case violates criminal or civil bankruptcy rules, the USTP may decide to intervene. For many debtors, this is an important protection. Of course, a USTP attorney may hinder your interests, too. Failure to fully list your debts, for instance, could put in you in hot water with the DOJ.


Do you need to make contact with a USTP attorney regarding your case? This is the kind of technical question that requires an informed and well-considered opinion from a bankruptcy specialist. Fortunately for you, the attorneys at Fears Nachawati are prepared to handle your case and answer the questions you need addressed. Talk to our dedicated personnel today by calling or emailing us.


Can the United States Trustee Help You?