After a pitched, five year battle, TexCom Gulf Disposal LLC still hopes to open an injection well near a Conroe residential community. According to the plan, the well would bury nonhazardous, liquid commercial waste thousands of feet below the surface.
However, some members of the community worry that the waste could include benezine and other hazardous chemicals. Moreover, given Conroe’s history of oil exploration – and seams left in the ground from improperly plugged 1930s era drilling – the possibility exists in the minds of some EPA officials that injected waste could seep into the municipal water supply through these underground seams.
Regardless of local and EPA concerns, the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) approved the permit for TexCom’s injection well. This approval came in spite of problems with similar waste disposal wells in Winona, Texas, in 1997 and Chico, Texas, in 2005. The next stop for this expensive and potentially injurious conflict are the courts.
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