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What Is Deferred Adjudication Probation And Why Is It A Good Thing?

Deferred adjudication probation is a type of probation whereby the court withholds a finding of guilt while the client attempts to successfully complete the requirements of their probation.  If the client is successful, the case is discharged without a final conviction or a finding of guilt.

There are several reasons why a client would benefit from a deferred adjudication probation if one is offered.  First, a client who avoids a final conviction can later apply to have the records of their court proceedings non-disclosed from public view in most cases.  Second, the collateral consequences associated with a final conviction, such as a driver’s license suspension in some instances, will not occur if a deferred adjudication probation can be negotiated and is satisfactorily completed.

Please contact our experienced attorneys today at Fears Nachawati to discuss your case and representation options.

Criminal Law