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Did Lexapro Cause Your Child’s Neonatal Withdrawal Syndrome

Every day, physicians prescribe Lexapro to pregnant women. Most doctors and virtually all patients are unaware of the serious and potential catastrohphic risks that Lexapro (escitalopram) imposes on unborn children. As a result, thousands of in utero children are exposed to escitalopram – and the potential for developing neonatal withdrawal syndrome.


Neonatal withdrawal syndrome occurs when recently birthed children suffer from the absence of a chemical – in the case of Lexapro, escitalopram – to which they have become dependent. The effects aren’t pretty and often include convulsions, irritability, abnormal crying, and tremors. Has your child suffered one of these symptoms? The cause may be more easily identifiable than you might think.


The attorneys at the Dallas law firm of Fears Nachawati know how to protect victims of neonatal withdrawal syndrome and their families. For years, we’ve protected people just like you. A short call to us can answer your questions and let you decide the right way to proceed for you and your family. For a free consultation, call us at 1.866.545.8364 or email We’re ready to fight for you!

Drug Litigation

Did Lexapro Cause Your Child’s Neonatal Withdrawal Syndrome