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Did You Know You Took a 1-in-10 Chance on an Injury?

According to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), of the roughly 300,000 women who received transvaginal mesh (TVM) implants in 2010, one-in-ten experienced severe complications within the first year of surgery.


Dangerous medical procedures are common. Frequently, patients find themselves between the rock and hard place of choosing between a potentially fatal illness and a potentially harmful medical procedure. Of course, there’s a world of difference between this situation – in which patients give informed consent – and the facts at issue with TVM procedures.


Most of the women who underwent a TVM procedure had no idea that the risk of collateral injury was as high as ten percent. Consequently, they experienced risk of harm with consenting to it. For the estimated thirty thousand women who encountered physical pain and emotional suffering, their legal rights may have been violated as a result.


Want to know whether your TVM experience was a violation of your legal rights that entitles you to financial compensation? The attorneys at the Dallas law firm of Fears Nachawati can help you answer this critical question. To find out what you need to know, contact our professionals today. For a free consultation, call us at 1.866.545.8364 or email We’re ready to give you the advice and support you need.

Drug Litigation

Did You Know You Took a 1-in-10 Chance on an Injury?