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Did Your Spouse Suffer a TVM Complication?

Thousands of American women have reported complaints following their transvaginal mesh (TVM) procedure. They go into surgery hoping the procedure will resolve their stress urinary incontinence (SUI) or pelvic organ prolapse (POP), but leave carrying a medical device in their body that can ultimately cause even more serious results.


Many of these female victims have trusted their complaints to attorneys who specialize in personal injury and product liability lawsuits. These legal specialists are able to help them understand how their experience fits into a larger scheme that may provide justice and valuable compensation.


Has your spouse experienced TVM complications? It may be appropriate to encourage her to visit with the attorneys and dedicated professionals at Fears Nachawati. Like the surgery and resulting complications itself, discussing this issue can be uncomfortable. However, for many victims, it’s an important conversation to have. Ready for your free consultation? Call us at 1.866.545.8364 or email We can help.

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Did Your Spouse Suffer a TVM Complication?