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Do I need a personal injury lawyer?

While it is possible to negotiate an insurance settlement on your own, the wisest course of action is to seek the counsel of an experienced personal injury lawyer. Insurance companies are focused on their bottom line – which means getting you to settle for the lowest amount possible. A personal injury lawyer, by contrast, works only for you, with your best interests at the forefront of everything they do.


Often an insurance company will offer an accident victim only a fraction of what their claim is really worth. A personal injury lawyer can help ensure that you recover an amount that represents the true value of your claim. Your attorney can make sure you are compensated not only for your physical injuries and medical bills, but also for your pain, suffering and emotional trauma.


Personal injury lawyers are skilled at negotiating with insurance companies to get you the best possible settlement. If necessary, a personal injury lawyer also has the knowledge and skills necessary to take a case to trial.


The average person does not know all of their legal rights. As personal injury lawyers, it is our job to know the law inside and out. An insurance company’s only job is to pay out on a claim. A personal injury lawyer, on the other hand, will advise you every step of the way and ensure that your legal rights are protected.


If you have been injured in an accident, you already have enough to worry about. Let a personal injury lawyer step in to handle all of the paperwork and communications with the insurance company and the other party’s legal counsel. That way, you can focus on your recovery and getting your life back to normal.


At Fears | Nachawati, we represent accident victims in obtaining full and fair compensation for their personal injuries. We will deal with the insurance company so you don’t have to.


For free legal advice on your personal injury claim or insurance settlement, contact us today. You will speak directly with a Texas personal injury lawyer who will answer all of your questions and advise you on the next steps you should take. Simply email us at or by phone at 1.866.705.7584.


Personal Injury

Do I need a personal injury lawyer?