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Do You Know How Dangerous Actos Treatments Really Are?

For diabetes patients, Actos (pioglitazone) is the miracle drug that isn’t. The pros are clear. Actos reduces insulin resistance in the liver, increases the expense of insulin-dependent glucose, decreases the withdrawal of glucose from the liver, and reduces the quantities of glucose in the bloodstream, among other benefits.


Its cons, however, are equally stark. Actos side effects includes an increased incidence in upper arm fractures, elevates the probability of congestive heart failure, and cause anemia. Most notably, however, Actos (pioglitazone) has been shown to substantially increase the risk of bladder cancer for patients who take Actos longer than 12 months.


Patients are free to take medical risks. However, drug manufacturers aren’t free to offer dangerous drugs to medical practitioners, patients, and consumers without appropriately researching and disclosing the risks. Unfortunately with Actos, recent medical research has revealed that for some patients the risks far outweigh the benefits. Tragically, these revelations have occurred after some patients have taken Actos for years.


Fears Nachawati protects Actos patients and their families from suffering injustice at the hands of the manufacturers of dangerous drugs. If you’ve been harmed because of your pioglitazone prescriptions, give our attorneys and experts a phone call today. For your free consultation, call us at 1.866.545.8364 or email

Drug Litigation

Do You Know How Dangerous Actos Treatments Really Are?